I'm sorry for Ghost(ing) you!

2016! That's the last time I published an article on this blog. So much has changed since then. My work has taken up an enormous amount of time as we've gone through some major changes, and we're still not done. Hopefully I'll be able to talk about some of that at some point here.

I want to get back to writing more frequently and while I despise New Year's resolutions, I will make more of an effort in 2019 to post more frequently. I'm still trying to figure out exactly what I want this blog to be as I don't want it to just be a place where I rant about stuff. Maybe that will be addressed this year as well.

Another change which you may notice is that the site itself is different. I'm now using Ghost instead of WordPress. When I ran my side-business I used to develop exclusively in WordPress and while I haven't abandoned that platform entirely, I wanted to try something new. I was part of the original Kickstarter that got Ghost off the ground 6 years ago and while I haven't figured everything out yet (including how to import all my old content), I thought now was as good a time as any to give Ghost a try.

See you around!